Generic and international Domains. DNS management, redirect, NS change included. Ormag Srls is an accredited Registrar for .IT domains(ORMAGSRL-REG).

From € 25 / year If you already have a registered domain, even if with some other provider, you can link it to one of our Windows or Linux (see next item) hosting plans, for publishing your website.

From € 25,00 / year Linux is the native operating system for all applications that work with Apache Php and MySql. On our 2 Linux plans (Enter and Pro) GD Libraries, cURL and Url Rewrite Function are available.

From € 5 / year Certified e-mail (PEC) is a tool to send and receive emails in the safest way. It is obligatory for companies, professionals and public administrations. It has legal value and can be used in place of registered mail.

€ 20 / month Having an e-commerce website is like having a window of your own shop, a window that anyone, from anywhere, can easily see, even in the night; it is a 24/7 shop. The e-commerce content management system is already up and running on your web space.

€ 15 / year This package allows you to create up to 5 emails and to have a total space of 1Gb. You'll be able to manage DNS and alias creation, forwarding and autoresponder.

Registra anche il tuo DOMINIO .IT approfittando della promozione! DOMINI .IT € 4,30 + IVA (promo attiva I° anno e trasferimenti) Tanti altri domini in promozione! (registrazione I° anno) DOMINI .INFO € 7,00 + IVA DOMINI .EMAIL € 9,00 + IVA DOMINI .ONLINE € 14,00 + IVA TANTI ALTRI DOMINI IN PROMOZIONE! Consulta l'elenco delle ... En savoir plus »
Registra anche il tuo DOMINIO .IT approfittando della promozione! DOMINI .IT € 4,30 + IVA (promo attiva I° anno e trasferimenti) Tanti altri domini in promozione! (registrazione I° anno) DOMINI .EU € 5,00 + IVA DOMINI .INFO € 7,00 + IVA DOMINI .BIZ € 10,00 + IVA DOMINI .ORG € 13,00 + IVA DOMINI .EMAIL € 9,00 + IVA DOMINI ... En savoir plus »